Kerry Dyer's MoleXL + RE-MOLED @ Raygun Comics (Oct 3)

Kerry Dyer announces that Raygun Comics will be hosting a MoleXL day at their Richmond store, with the date set on October 3rd. Check out further details band updates on the Facebook event page, and as well this was what Kerry ha to share with us;
"There will be blanks MoleXL's to buy and pens to colour and customise your mole on the day, as well as some of the pieces from the RE-MOLED custom show. And I'll be there doodling away too.

So, if you previously had your eye on any of the RE-MOLED pieces you only have 2 weeks left to buy them online before they go on sale exclusively at Raygun.

Can't make it to MoleXL day at Raygun? Never fear! The MoleXL's will still be available and the RE-MOLED pieces will be available at Raygun through till December, but after that, they're gone forever!

(We still have some fantastic pieces available from Okkle, A little Stranger, The Bots, Zro Toys, MapMap, Sneaky Racoon, Hoakser, Triclops and more!)"
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