> i is fcuked
8am on a monday morning and im wondering where the fcukz everyone else? oh yah, they're waking up from a weekend's peaceful slumber while i have yet to shower my crusty-smelly-pungent-lard-filled-nicotine-tinged-body from the fab night-out before and have yet to count a single jumping lambchop ... i. is. fcuked. period. thanking thy cyber-gawds for blogs ... maybe i'll pop in a dvd hhmmm ... *scratch-scratch*
oh yes, and cigarettes just went up from $9.50 to $11.00. FCUK THEM ALL. i. am. a. deadman. fcuk. *twitch-twitch*
more mindless meanderings from a jobless bum
oh yes, and cigarettes just went up from $9.50 to $11.00. FCUK THEM ALL. i. am. a. deadman. fcuk. *twitch-twitch*
more mindless meanderings from a jobless bum