retro superhero belts with flashing windmill fronts
:: RETRO / TOYS ::
Bandai to make and sell Masked/Kaimen Rider Belts, catered specifically for the 30-40's crowd. [via WMMNA] = coz us oldfogies fossils gentlemen grew-up with these Japanese-heroes (< click-on to watch a Kamen Rider live-action movie trailer) and would by now be able to dosh out the nostalgia-dollar for a little bit of childhood-reminisce, innit? now that's what i call smart-marketing!
and no, they are different from Power Rangers' belts, okay? *nyuknyuk* ;p
Bandai to make and sell Masked/Kaimen Rider Belts, catered specifically for the 30-40's crowd. [via WMMNA] = coz us old
and no, they are different from Power Rangers' belts, okay? *nyuknyuk* ;p