winson ma's sdcc edition adam ape
is it just me, or does this SDCC Dark Colorway exclusive version of Winson Ma X Play Imaginative's Adam Ape [via] look like a photoshopped desaturated version of their Normal Adam Ape? (image below-left) - regardless, it does look pretty cool+nifty, yeh? :)
... and all i can do now is to offer up my own shameless Toysrevil TRIBAL Version (above image-right) for your kind consideration (and maybe a coupla laughs :p) = will it ever get made? *i wish* ... meanwhile, take a peep at Winson Ma's new updated "profile" and "studio" images on his website [images via] (click under "profile")
... and all i can do now is to offer up my own shameless Toysrevil TRIBAL Version (above image-right) for your kind consideration (and maybe a coupla laughs :p) = will it ever get made? *i wish* ... meanwhile, take a peep at Winson Ma's new updated "profile" and "studio" images on his website [images via] (click under "profile")