nathan jurevicius agideas 2007 inspiration presentation
George of Omni-Monster has posted an exceptional video/slideshow of Nathan Jurevicius' design projects, utilized for his presentation at the AGIdeas 2007 Design Conference in Australia (circa April, 2007) - with the theme about inspiration for the participating designers' work.
the presentation starts off with Nathan's ideas/ drawing process (with "live"-drawing), followed by eye-opening work-in-progess pictures of his FAUNA creations done for MTV Canada and wraps up with his design+proto-sculpts for Scarygirl + City Folk = do peep George's blog-entry for more detailed descriptions, including stills of Nathan's sketches [image via]
*for bigger-screen viewing, click HERE*
seriously, i've always been interested and fascinated with a creator's thought+creation process, as well as the final result (hence a boatload of interviews on thy blog :p) and this is perhaps (for me) a rare chance to be able to partake of Nathan J's creativity (in lieu of him not updating his web ever LOL) as well as a real treat - cheers for sharing, George!
the presentation starts off with Nathan's ideas/ drawing process (with "live"-drawing), followed by eye-opening work-in-progess pictures of his FAUNA creations done for MTV Canada and wraps up with his design+proto-sculpts for Scarygirl + City Folk = do peep George's blog-entry for more detailed descriptions, including stills of Nathan's sketches [image via]
*for bigger-screen viewing, click HERE*
seriously, i've always been interested and fascinated with a creator's thought+creation process, as well as the final result (hence a boatload of interviews on thy blog :p) and this is perhaps (for me) a rare chance to be able to partake of Nathan J's creativity (in lieu of him not updating his web ever LOL) as well as a real treat - cheers for sharing, George!