kaws hasheem on kawsone (dec 21)

OriginalFake X SANTASTIC's 8"-er tall KAWS HASHEEM [tagged] will be available on December 21st @ 12PM EST on KAWSONE

"originally" priced @ 6,090YEN-per (US$54+ / mentioned here) = regardless of the abject negativity surrounding this figure (at least from the more "vocal" folks on toyforums :p), this may actually sell out, IMHO. by that i mean cash-exchange between sellers-and-buyers, and not "selling-out-to-the-man" (*cough*) EDIT: it has sold-out on kawsone for US$98-per :p

permit me if i may, to theorize the success of KAWS (at least in recent products/toys): becoz it is not just about the rabid-KAWS-fans, but also the fans of the properties and brands that he collaborates with (ie: Star Wars, Santastic etc) and mayhap these are the collabos that secures his "longevity"? (*POP* lasts) and in this twilight day and cyber-age, either you are a "known-brand" or nobody wiki's for you, IMHO. /// CLICK TO READ MORE
consider this: [swiped from the Skullbrain-forum, with regards to the
next wave of KAWS-projects *which i am unable to authenticate* ]
"A He Man Skelletor set (Twins style) is the next release. He Man and Skelletor both get Xs for eyes and skull and X Bones ears. Probably cartoony hands for at least one (probably He Man).

The Boba Fett release follows, Boba's helmet will have Xs for eyes and then Skull and X Bone ears. Maybe cartoony hands maybe not.

The following release is a real departure as it features Count Chokula with Xs for eyes and Skull and X Bone ears he will not have cartoony hands but will be done in flocked Frankenberry, Booberry, and Fruit Brute Colourways on that release."

viva le KAWS! :)
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