about that shattered glass botcon2008 transformers toy set
On a world known as Cybertron, a ruthless and cruel tyrant prepares his army for an all out attack. Their destination: a planet, rich in resources, known as Earth! Only a small band of rebels stands between this evil warlord and his plans for universal conquest. If these brave soldiers are unable to stop the attack, then there will be nothing to prevent this shattered universe from falling victim to the maniacal Optimus Prime and his evil legion of ... Autobots?
Coming this spring, the battle lines will be drawn and a new champion will emerge. A young and noble Decepticon will stand up and fight for freedom, the freedom, which is the right of all Transformers! Advising him will be his trusted lieutenant Starscream, and his fellow virtous Decepticons. They will fight to the very last to stop the spread of Optimus Prime's tyranny!
welcome to the twisted world of SHATTERED GLASS!
featured here are the reveals of Evil Optimus Prime and Goldbug, and man, i sure do lurve alternate realities! someone make a movie or an animated one-special out of this please! LOL