three-a's 1/1 bramble for sdcc2008: stage two
The Bambablog yielded a surprise this fine Friday - with PART 2 of the threeA BRAMBLE 1/1 figure (above-right) now further painted and weathered than earlier featured a few days ago and looking absolutely heavy-duty kickrump! LOL... with slightly over a month to go before it's debut at the San Diego Comic Con, I wonder if there'll be weapons that'll go with the figure, much less any possible security issues with bringing it in, innit? But hell, dude looks effin awesome thus far, IMHO.
BRAMBLE is created by Ashley Wood - who will be at the IDW Publishing Booth for the duration of the Con. Remember to print out THIS pic for him to sign too! ... (and you might also wanna ask him if Bramble is a fan of Beckham, yeh? heh)