Let's make this real straight-up easy for everyone = send in your own photos (not less than 500 pixels-across) of WHAT BERTIE WOULD SEE / SNAP THRU THE CAMERA - and stand a chance to win an original Ashley Wood-sketch! (tis a "surprise"!) CLICK THRU FOR DETAILS

01. Anyone and everyone can submit a maximum of three images/photos (just not more than two of the same pic but slightly different angles, ya know what i mean?!). There is no age limit for participants.
02. The only requirement is that the image submitted is to be rated-"PG" (ie: no porn). Gore is allowed only if it's zombies. *cough*
03. Photos submitted are to be taken by or belong to you (ie. not pilfered from someone else). We will not be responsible nor be liable for any copyright violations thru the submission of your image/s.
04. You retain copyright of images submitted (except of coz if tis any designs originating from Ashley Wood, yeh?)
05. I retain the right of refusal of any images submitted which is deemed inappropriate for this contest without given reasons.
06. Email any and all entries to toysrevil [at] gmail [dot] com

07. Contest starts NOW and final submissions to come in before 5th July 11:59pm / 2359hrs (+ 8 hrs GMT - Singapore Time)
08. Each accepted entry will be posted on THIS blog-post, for a round of PUBLIC VOTING after deadline has lapsed. Voting only starts when I say it starts, yo! Anything before WILL NOT BE COUNTED. (but do feel free to give props :p)
09. If you have an enlarged version of the submitted image on your flickr or website/blog - do lemme know the URL and I will link/hotlink it. Do leave your name and/or nick with your entry, and/or a little write-up / description of pic (if need be) - tis cool :)
10. If in event of a tie in votes - both Ashley Wood and myself will decide, yeh?

The Single Prize of a sketch is sponsored via the generosity of Ashley Wood. The size, shape, form, format nor medium of the sketch is as yet determined - so it will be a "surprise" prize!

Note: No, you do not need to own a Bertie to take part in this contest. But if you want a piece'a teh Pipebomb? Log unto www.bambalandstore.com to get your Bertie-fix, DESERT RAT or DIRTY DEEDS! LOL

UPDATED: July 6th 2008: Contest is now closed. Submissions are in awaiting YOUR VOTE for your fav HERE :)

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