Custom-Feature: Numo: Seven by Jeffry Burhan
"This is my first custom (with a) rusty effect, the figure itself is from my old designer toys, it's a blindbox with football team figure. I remembered few days ago in Plastic Culture kaiju exhibition, I asked Chalid Affan, the winner of 2010 Munny World Festival Indonesia to teach me how to do rusty effect like his figure."
Jeffry Burhan from Indonesia, sharing with us the "origin" of his figure, dubbed NUMO: SEVEN! As it well it is so named, because "seven" is Jeff's lucky number, and the "PDT" on the back stands for his blog-name: "Pimp Daddy Toys"! He adds the breakdown of the figure's accessories: "hand is from my terminator T-800 figure. the metal star is from my jeans button, and the gun i borrowed from one of revoltech figure i own."
Shown above with a WWRp Large Martin, what I really like about this bash is that it was from a figure I do not originally recognize, and the simplicity of form is easily recognized and not mired in rusted-muck, IMHO. Nice one Jeff!