Custom-Feature: Drazorus / Drazoran (Mecha Edition) by Todd Robertson
VID-DESCRIPT: Todd Robertson Mecha Drazorus / Drazoran. The first thing people ask when they see Todd's work is How does he make this? or What is this made out of? This timelapse was shot over 4 days as Todd went through the process from start to finish, customizing one of Max Toy Company's Mecha Drazorus / Drazoran (Two heads, one body). The camera was set to shoot an image every 5 seconds. Music is 'Fat Controller' by Squarepusher.
And from Toybot Studios, we have still images to gawk at, of his constant journey along the highway of mechalicious constructs and machinery-magnificance. Glorious.
This Custom Drazorus / Drazoran (Mecha Edition) is part of the "RETURN" show @ Lot F Gallery, opening May 27th (exhibiting til June 27). More images via Toybot Studios.