Launch of Tanpopo and Kuro Website from Camilla D'Errico
A brand new website has been launched to celebrate Camilla D'Errico's Tanpopo series at - where you can get to see some previews of the book (currently in it's third volume - page-images posted below), as well "interact with fans, offer previews, blog posts, and more."
And there's also a chance to win the above-right (cropped) original art on Tomopop as well. "This site is the first step in an ongoing plan to broaden the reach of Tanpopo and the rest Camilla d'Errico's work this year."
Having been a fan of Camilla's work, and as well curious about her original property "Tanpopo", this is indeed a treat. And Kuro's getting top-billing too! Would love to see more comicbook-page artworks tho - but that would indeed make me a real stingy-guy, wouldn't it? Heh.