Photo-Boothing On TOYSREVIL
Call me a slow learner (but not to my face lol) but I've only recently pickedup the usage of the "Photo Booth" laptop camera on my, well, Mac laptop! And frankly, I have been snapping away like a madman, with most of the images posted on my Facebooks and Twitter, instead of on this blog (as often) ...
The plan always had been to take "proper" shots (with decent lighting, composition, post-Photoshopping and whatnot) but realized the "quality of the image" - while important to me still - is as important as the "mileage" the images themselves get! Hey I'm not naive to think my decade+ old point-n-shoot digi-cam can stack up against the snazzy-jazzy SLRs other fortunate folks possess, but I know my viewership LOL - hoping you folks would not mind seeing more of these on the blog? :)