Superhero-Sunday: Customs from MaloApril & MaloMike
[Above: Batman for "Darkest Night" / Below: "Teen Titans"]
Here are a collection of customs (main superhero-theme picked) from LA-based artists MaloApril & MaloMike (Mike Mendez & April Elliott). These sat in my inbox for a while now and I have finally gotten my head straight to post about them!
QTN: What is your favourite toy-form to customize?
ANS: "Munnys right now but we have painted Mighty Muggs for so long that we are just tapping into more vinyls. We have been starting to paint Munnys, Dunnys, and in the works a Noobz and Celcius. We love to paint just about anything including murals."
Look for both their works on their Facebooks: MaloMike + MaloApril.
[Zombie Wonder Woman for "Heroes Unite"]