TV-EYE Custom-Feature: "Sweet Black" by The Yellow Dino
TV-EYE NAME: "Sweet Black"
CUSTOMIZED-BY: The Yellow Dino @
COMPLETED-FOR: TV Eye Toy Launching Exhibition & Custom Show: Happy Shocks, Victim Shakes, Guerillas Rawks by indieguerillas @ Lou Belle Shop [What / Launch Images / TV Eye on TOYSREVIL]
CUSTOM-STORY: Traditionally, folks associate "black things" with terror and "evil", likewise the effect of television likened to the downfall of mankind - an "evil" which some might deem "evil but in more of fun way". Evil or not is only our perspective that we can see as human on many different way and black is not always about death & gloomy things, we can see it more positive. That why i made my sweet black, a black devil with a bright smiley yellow dino face, that of course.... not scary at all :p