The Wanderer" series by Troy Stith for Vinyl Roots @ Dragatomi (May 14)
Troy Stith shares with us a few snaps of his customs destined to launch at VINYL ROOTS @ Dragatomi happening May 14th Saturday [event blogged] alongside J*RYU and Kevin Gosselin - all three artists who evoke nature's elements in their customs. The theme of Troy's works is "The Wanderer". Shown above are Shadowbox figures: Dunnsai "Mikomi", Munnsai "Meiun" and Dunnsai "Sentaku" - as well Custom Lil' Lucha Dentaduras "Screaming Twins", Original Sculpt Totems and yet another original sculpt with "The Caverns of Yandor". Check out the story behind the sculpts on Tory's blogpost, where he brings you along on his "journey", and as well check out more snaps on his flickr. [CLICK for full-screen viewing].
[Above: Totems / Below-Left: Screaming Twins / Below-Right: Yandor]