Some Violent Fellas: New Custom Dunnys from Red Mutuca
It may be sneaky like a ninja,
righteous like a kung fu fighter,
or just plain violent like a mime with a gun!
I Like it when folks do "themes", especially when it comes to group customs (altho having a group custom show sometimes over-expands the "theme", but that's another post altogether). In this instance, the guys from Red Mutuca keeps it tight and relevant, and I like it!
These bunch of commissioned 3" Dunny-customs are dubbed "Some Violent Fellas" - and features Luihz Unreal's piece called "Deadly Hipo", Sergio Mancini's is "Project: Ninja", Matucha's piece is "Toi-Chin-Gon" and Igor Ventura's is called "Killer Joke". Now these guys need a "teaser trailer" and a theme-song ala the Urban Samurai Seven (but like, 3 man short :p)!