Deep Sea Dracula & Baby Sharkys: ToyQube @ New York Comic Con 2011
For their tenure at New York Comic Con, ToyQube at booth #880 will be offering uo this duo of releases - starting with the above - Deep-Sea Dracula | DayWalker Edition! "This is a new medium I used, not GID. It's only glow under the Sunlight, at normal color it is frosty clear, when it gets the Sunlight it will glow & change color to blue." ~mentions creator Keithing. [We've reviewed the 'True Blood'-Edition HERE]. In an edition of 50pcs - priced at US$65 each = looks to be a very intriguing color-change concept, IMHO!
Second on the list are the I LOVE NY - 3" Baby Sharkys in Black & Gray versions, with each hand painted & made in resin, priced at US$30 each. Gotta loved that chubby baby sharky! FYI: A white version will released later on at the ToyQube online store (teased in the image below).