Kidrobot Booth Crashes NYCC: Cotton Candy Machine / Art Whino / 3A Legion / I Heart Guts
I always look forward to Kidrobot's "Booth-Crashes" at conventions, as they film quick and candid videos of folks at their booths (even I had my own moment of infamy in STGCC circa 2009) and we get to see & hear what's happening, and who is making it happening, and that, is pretty cool to be had, IMHO. Brings folks like me/us - who only see products via images online and not being able to actually "meet" folks - to another level of understanding and appreciation, IMHO. No doubt there will be more 'booth-crash-videos' to come in time - meanwhile, this is a batch showcasing Cotton Candy Machine, a quick Art Whino-intro, details about the 3A Legion-booth and I Heart Guts:
Cotton Candy Machine:
Live Painting @ Art Whino:
3A Legion:
I Heart Guts:
Live Painting @ Art Whino:
3A Legion:
I Heart Guts: