"I've riveted and rusted up an Ashley Wood Bambaboss. I've used tamiya paints and AK 47 rust effect. The pack on its back is the arm of an Android." ~mentioned Jim.
From Jim1297 comes duo 3A Toys-customed pieces - with the above featuring a Bambaboss, and below a Bot Head - both in glorious rust! Check out more of the custom images on
his Flickr!
"Another day, another OTT rust job. Started to paint this Ashley Wood Hateful Expression Bot Head in acrylics, then went completely mad on the riveting and staining. Spent ages deciding what sort of badge to put on the front then opted for this bit of plastic that makes it look like some sort of weird light....
I tried to make the rivet staining look a bit like rows of teeth to give it an eerie feel - not quite sure that worked. It looked like it was made out of gingerbread for a bit, but I think it looks more rusted than biscuit now." ~added Jim.