Guardians of the Galaxy by Patricio Oliver

Guardians of the Galaxy

I started on my journey of the new Guardians of the Galaxy actually with the Starlord mini-series (I liked the quirky art and sci-fi-stories, so I picked that up eons ago), which led me to the tradepaperback of the GofG a while back - because it had Starlord in it, and Rocket Raccoon! But alas I stopped short of before the "War of the Kings" storyline came into play (as well there was a change in artist, which I abhorred). THEN I saw Patricio Oliver's depiction of them, and was blown away, very much like his Saint Seiya and New Mutants.

Peep individual images HERE on my FB-album, and read what PO! has to say about these Guardians!


TOYSREVIL: I see your Guardians of the Galaxy characters are from the recent storyline - where the Starlord forms the group, and Vance Astro returns with his memory lost (I got so excited seeing Starhawk!). What got you into drawing them? How are the Guardians connected to you? And why this incarnation and not the earlier version?

PATRICIO OLIVER: Actually I wasn't a fan of the original team! as a matter of fact I found them pretty lame. But since Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning started to be the architects of a whole new era from the Space oriented marvel characters I started to adore them little by little in Titles like Nova or Annihilation. These team was so dysfunctional and yet so funny and bizarre that I couldn't help loving them


TOYSREVIL: Who is your fav character in the group? And who was the most difficult to re-design for?

PATRICIO OLIVER: Actually I like many of them! Rocket Raccoon is definitely a winner in terms of personality and looks same as Cosmo the Russian telepathic dog ( he could be a characters from The Tenebrae, as a matter of fact…). Grood is amazing and really hard to do! I don't adore my Grood version but I don't hate it either. Actually I had a really hard time doing both Grood and Mantis ( I think those are my less fav illustrations from the set).

(Check out more of Patricio's work via his illustration-blog or
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