"My exhibition has just opened at Milk Tea & Pearl, a bubble tea shop in London. It's for Pao's second year of life (or birthday) and a second Phenomenon has taken place. the first one was the birth of Whao, Pao's son." ~mentions the Paomaster, Dorcas Ng.
Check out the images of the event posted
HERE on my FB-album! The exhibition runs from 9/1 – 17/2.
Dorcas continues: "…the story was written with consideration of the context of the exhibition space. it is also assembled into a small publication which I'm selling on my site. the 'end' of this story is actually not an ending. it is an appeal for a search to seek out '353's around the world, wherever you are, if you spot a '353', there is a request to take a photo of it and post it on Pao's fb page. this search is actually kinda important as I hope people can participate (as usual...). the result of the search will help establish the next episode of the narrative."