Custom-Munnys for Munnyworld Contest from BRUSCOLINO + TazX + Mone86
We have a trio of artists with submissions to the Munnyworld Contest to share here - starting with new creatures from Marco "BRUSCOLINO" Sgammotta posted above, and from BrunoGC aka TazX comes his first Munny-submission [Link to vote / Purchase here]:
And from Simone aka Mone86 comes (the above) 'Butterphant Custom Mini Munny', and adds: "I've create this custom because as disney film "Dumbo" can fly away...every Elephant can dream to fly away from the oppression and be free as a butterfly!"
'Save The Rhino Custom Bub': "I've created this custom to sensitize person to this problem...I love every animal...And i hate that they are abuse and kill from human...that of human have anything!" ~added Mone.