GRIMSHEEP Does Storm Trooper Customs (#StarWarsDay)
One day - when I am financially able - I would hit up Owen DeWitt aka GRIMSHEEP for a custom-painted toy. Having been a long-time admirer of his clean and striking work, Owen has done quite a number of Storm Trooper-themed customer art toys, for which this is the perfect moment to present here, for May The 4th / Star Wars Day! Enjoy what you see here, and check out more of his work on his Flickr!, and hit him up for commissions by emailing
Above: Custom-Sketchbot "Sketchtrooper" for the
Sketchbot 2 custom show at Munky King circa 2010.
Above: "Irontrooper" - Custom Qee Bunee for the Toy2R
15th Anniversary DIY Qee Celebration at Dragatomi.
CONCEPT: It's a 'what if Tony Stark designed for
the Galactic Empire, Iron Man Stormtrooper mash-up'.
Above: Mad*L Trooper
Above: Munny Trooper
Above+Below: Woodland Troopers
Above: Boba Fett x Storm Trooper!