The Road To STGCC: 'Limited Edition' Means 'Limited Edition'

One of my first intentions - for the selection of toys and collectibles at TOYSREVIL booth F51 - was that they would cater to a select group of art toy collectors, who peruse works from indie artists, and where the toys themselves were mostly self-made, and self-painted directly from the artists/creators themselves. I had wanted to present to folks attending the convention this particular aspect of the art toy world, which might well be available only via online purchases … and in a culture where licensed properties and big brand names hold court - particularly in Singapore - I had my work cut out for me!


The first few considerations in getting exclusives made, was WHO I would approach them for. HOW much I could afford. And how MANY should I have made? Then the next notion, is if I should be keeping any for myself, the awesome toys that I intend to sell off at STGCC? Believe you me, the desire is nigh! LOL

Now one thing to note, is that I have a stubborn take on activities like this, as I more likely would be 'curating' a selection based primarily on what I myself personal prefer and like, and people I want to work with, rather than a solely "business sense" acumen of what can be sold fast or whatnot money-making ventures.

That is in no way to disparage the folks I have chosen to collaborate with, I insist! But of the mutual respect than buffers the effort, is essential to me, and much more appreciated than anyone ever imagines.

And to be frank, with the combined profit of the toys, and prints I intend to put out - it may well not be enough to pay back for my time, effort, promotional materials cost, and the biggest hit; rental of the booth. If I am solely in it for the money, this might well be going in another different direction altogether, with a heighten quantity for most items, to make up the difference.

And to answer the above quandary = hell'yeah I'll be keeping some toys for myself!


I want the term "Limited Edition" to actually mean something, rather than a tag-on convenient label to sell products, and to somehow make them more alluring that they actually were. Items from my booth range from 4 pieces each design, to a max of 20 pieces per. Actually, as of now, nothing is beyond 20 pieces each item! (With the exception of my *I LIKE TOYS* Zine, for which I will be releasing 30 copies at the event!) Posted here are the first time I am revealing the numbers associated with the awesomeness I will be making available at Booth F51!

When I say "limited edition", I DO mean "Limited Edition", people!


I have a foolish dream to want to run my booth the way i want it to be run, and I can only but depend on like-minded collaborators to help in granting me this ardent wish. And hey, I know fully well I have not deep pockets nor the luxury to "dabble" in art toys, and frankly (though I suspect "detrimentally"), I take my collaborations extremely seriously, as much fun as I hope they would be.

Sure, there have a few who had unanswered my pleas and plans, but this is not about them. This is about promoting the folks that deserves to be promoted, and I humbly thank the following for their graciousness: Mark, Peter, Paul, Eric, Juanito, Anjo, Gabby, Abs, Justin, and from Singapore I am thankful for the support of Anthony, Daniel, Kelvin and Jonathan. Everyone and every toy exclusive and limited edition prints will be revealed in full in the following days, leading up to STGCC on September 1st and 2nd. There really is not much time left before it begins, is there? 'Freakout' much?


Now, the list of exclusives I have for STGCC, is equivalent to my "dream-list" - featuring a selection as wide as kaiju to mecha, self-production to custom toys, and a decent dose of local artists' works too! And yes, there is a 'theme' running thru most of them, and I'll let you decide what that theme is :)

Come early, come quick, first come first served! Folks on the international front will be able to procure any items left on the shelf at STGCC via my online store - with exact date and time to be confirmed - but let me say this: folks on the TOYSREVIL Mailing List, will have first dibs :)

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