Removalists, Finger Gangs & Harold FSs from 3A Toys
UPDATED INFFO: AK Removalists go on pre-order on December 7th, 9:00AM Hong Kong time at Bambalandstore and it's going to be special ONE HOUR only sale (no 24 hours window for 3AA members). Price for the set: 200USD (with shipping included in the price). Set comes with poster and 1/6th scale brain.
3A Toys are "creators of worlds" (ala their current tagline "We Create Worlds"), and as well are staunch builders of toy-collections, because there can never seem to be a single figure of any character to be released! The Removalists Zomb 2-Pack will be on sale at Bambaland come December 7th for only one hour, while the Action Portable 1/12th scale TEN FINGER GANG will come in a whopping 11 x figure "Super Duper Set"!
Anyone who has deep pockets and want to start off a toy-collection and build up masses, should check out 3A to sate your desires! Hell, there are even different sizes to collect, case in point; Harold FS! Go somewhen!
3A Toys are "creators of worlds" (ala their current tagline "We Create Worlds"), and as well are staunch builders of toy-collections, because there can never seem to be a single figure of any character to be released! The Removalists Zomb 2-Pack will be on sale at Bambaland come December 7th for only one hour, while the Action Portable 1/12th scale TEN FINGER GANG will come in a whopping 11 x figure "Super Duper Set"!
Anyone who has deep pockets and want to start off a toy-collection and build up masses, should check out 3A to sate your desires! Hell, there are even different sizes to collect, case in point; Harold FS! Go somewhen!