Featurette for Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase Two
"Iron Man 3", "Thor Dark World", "Captain America: Winter Soldier", "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Antman" are discussed/featured here in this featurette, as part of MARVEL's "Phase Two" in their "Cinematc Universe" (showcased in the recently released "Phase One" box set). Even "The Avengers 2" is teased (nothing spoilerish at all tho lol). Here's a snap of "Amidala in Asgard" (more still uploaded HERE on PopcornX) and a clearer look at "Antman" (looking much like "Kroenen" in the first "Hellboy" movie, actually) as seen from his earlier leaked footage (*cough*)…
Jane: "You forgot to buy the eggs for home again, didn't you, Thor?"
Thor: "Silence, woman! Should have left you back on Migard…!"
(Swell headsup from Eldred!)