PodgyPanda: Q&A + Seen @ ToyConUK 2013
Click HERE to view what you might have missed at Richard Kuoch aka PodgyPanda's table at ToyConUK, then head straight to http://www.podgypanda.bigcartel.com to see what he has listed online for sales, post-ToyConUK! But don't forget to read this Q&A I had with Richard about his ToyCon-experience!
TOYSREVIL: How was the ToyCon for you? Was it what you expected it to be? Was this your first Con?
POGYPANDA: Toycon was good, the venue was small but intimate. I met loads of old friends, and made loads of new friends (Which I have posted here). It was good to connect again at a personal level after being behind my computer for months on end. It was my first UK convention, but not my first con. As cons go, it was well received and top notch in my book!
TOYSREVIL: Tell us what you had on your table! And which of your items had the warmest reception / best response?
POGYPANDA: I had alot of print debuts at my stall. Moving around the world so much I didn't have the contacts to produce new prints at the quality I was happy with, but after a few trial and errors, I managed to find an amazing printer here in the UK. (A list of what I had can be seen here).
These prints had a very warm reception, selling out of the allocation I had for Toycon! (I've just restocked my online store with the rest) I also had some older customs and an array of Podgonauts at my booth which had a good reception too.
TOYSREVIL: Any suggestions to make the event even more awesome in the future?
POGYPANDA: It's a perfect size for being a small. intimate convention right now, but seeing as the toy scene in the UK is growing, A larger venue and more tickets for the public would my main suggestion, but I know that is already solved for next years con!
(Images courtesy of Dolly Oblong + Artransmitte)
TOYSREVIL: How was the ToyCon for you? Was it what you expected it to be? Was this your first Con?
POGYPANDA: Toycon was good, the venue was small but intimate. I met loads of old friends, and made loads of new friends (Which I have posted here). It was good to connect again at a personal level after being behind my computer for months on end. It was my first UK convention, but not my first con. As cons go, it was well received and top notch in my book!
TOYSREVIL: Tell us what you had on your table! And which of your items had the warmest reception / best response?
POGYPANDA: I had alot of print debuts at my stall. Moving around the world so much I didn't have the contacts to produce new prints at the quality I was happy with, but after a few trial and errors, I managed to find an amazing printer here in the UK. (A list of what I had can be seen here).
These prints had a very warm reception, selling out of the allocation I had for Toycon! (I've just restocked my online store with the rest) I also had some older customs and an array of Podgonauts at my booth which had a good reception too.
TOYSREVIL: Any suggestions to make the event even more awesome in the future?
POGYPANDA: It's a perfect size for being a small. intimate convention right now, but seeing as the toy scene in the UK is growing, A larger venue and more tickets for the public would my main suggestion, but I know that is already solved for next years con!
(Images courtesy of Dolly Oblong + Artransmitte)