Seen @ #SWDJKT 2013: Jabba's Palance & Ranchor Surprise
This toy-diorama on display at last weekend's Star Wars Day Jakarta showcased 1/6th-scaled figures depicting Jabba The Hutt's palace - as seen in "Return of the Jedi" - along with a seamless-joint Slave Leia, an extremely green Jabba, and a palace set up what would be splendid if there were a little more ambient light in the dio itself, IMHO.
And I nearly missed seeing the Ranchor peeking out from under the table ala the "dungeon" below the palace (Thanks to Pram for the pointer tho, I really would have missed it the first time around lol) … now of there was a partially chewed off Gamorrean guard in it's hands and mouth… LOL
[All images and more can be seen on THIS dedicated Facebook album]