A Closer-Look at Ma.K Krote from 3A Toys (Bambaland exclusive)
I do not necessarily review items I had purchased with my own monies, but this piece was too stunning not to at the very least provide a dedicated Facebook album full of snaps and instagrammery! Introducing the Ma.K Krote from 3A Toys, with this being the Bambalandstore exclusive piece, and it is one of my favorite collectibles in my humble collection thus far!
The details are stunning, the playability is legit, and once I get the batteries to lightup this baby, I'll be sure to scream it to the www-skies!
Available exclusively via Bambalandstore.com for US$190 when it was released in November 2012, the piece is no longer available for orders. There's also the "Standard" Edition to look out for at retailers, perhaps.
This is also my first Kow Yokoyama "Maschinen Krieger" piece, and I am utterly delighted. Thank you for making this, 3A!