"For the first time, I’ll be offering the toys (and tokens!) from the toy machine on buffmonster.com. There are two styles: Ice Cream Resin Heads and Melty Misfits Cheap Toys. The Ice Cream Resin Heads come in four main variations (Original, Zombie, Devil, Skull) and there are also three rare variations (Split Devil/Zombie and 2 different Double Zombies). The Cheap Toys are based on the Garbage Pail Kids Cheap Toys that were released in 1985. There are three characters: Double Heather, Graffiti Petey and Alice Island. They’re cast (mostly by me) in a variety of colors of resin, and roughly 1 in 2 is hand-painted." -mentioned Buff Monster.
Toys and tokens will be available for $20 each (+S/H) on buffmonster.com.