Custom-Feature: 'Blood Thirst' Sofubi Customs by Brent Nolasco (for #TotalAtomicMeltdown)
Artist Brent Nolasco will be contributing 3 x customs of his own sofubi creation "Blood Thirst" for the coming March 8th group art toy exhibition "Total Atomic Meltdown" at Clutter Gallery (Preview List), which also features artists such as; Blurble, Candie Bolton, Cop A Squat Toys, D-LuX, Frank Mysterio, Grumble Toy, Guumon, InstincToys, Josh Herbolsheimer, LiLjapan, Maneki Nekro, Mark Nagata of Max Toy Company, Michael Nordstrom (of Garamania), Mr. Krotpong, Nebulon5, PlaSeeBo, RESTORE, Splurrt, Sunguts, Uamou, Velocitron, and Yakimon.