Caramelaw for Singapore Toy, Games & Comic-Con 2014
And so what else will Caramelaw have for her Booth AA26 at this coming weekend's Singapore Toy Games & Comic Con (Sept 6-7, 2014), besides her custom-painted Kobito Dukan buddies? How about canvases (11"X14"), cushion covers (18"X18"), Caramelaw keychains and Adventure Time inspired "Caramelpops" Blythe hand-painted customs = all of whom feature her signature exploding rainbow candy color palette! Don't worry, you needn't wear shades to dull the visual onslaught, but make sure you buy LOADS, people! MUAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA
Check out the World of Caramelaw Facebook page or her Twitter @iamCaramelaw or Instagram @caramelaw for further updates!