TOYSREVIL Milestone: First Toy-Con Booth in 2009 #TOYSREVILTurns10
WHAT-IS: "In an effort to celebrate the TOYSREVIL-Blog Turning Ten Years Old, I look back at a decade of bloggery and pick 10 x (personal) Milestones (more than the ones I blogged about in 2011 LOL), to share, to reminisce, and to give myself a motivational-booster to continue blogging. Thank you for your indulgence, my dearest readers :)"
My first ever booth at a local toy convention, which I had also launched my first ever blog-edition production toy. Shown in the image above were cosplayers Gwen and Ai Ling (Nymphsis) which helped Booth C16 "guest star" in a newspaper publication LOL
The year was 2009, and I had only blogged for about 4 years, and it was to be the first time I introduced the blog to the public in Singapore (most of whom might not have known about my blog, but has since carved out a decent percentage of readership in SG) and to "expose" my face to the public, before that I had been content to blog "anonymously" (STGCC Aftermath: Toy Scores, Flashback Intentions & Abject Failures / Living The STGCC Dream with TOYSREVIL). The experience gained during the journey before, during and after the event will always, and has since been referenced in both my bloglife & real life, for both "good" and "bad".
It is one thing to blog in a vacuum, and a whole other to interact and let others enter your vacuum. Some might fill it up, some might leave it as vacuous as it was, but always an adventurous and enriching experience.
Truthfully, I love boothing … and as much as I loathe the smoozing (I am a horrendous "sales person" hahahaha), I adore being able to meet friends both old and new! But times and circumstances has since changed, and I am no longer able to afford nor man a TOYSREVIL-booth in Singapore … so it's back to a "vacuum", a full circle since starting blogging a decade ago :)
Ending with a slideshow video I made of ANTZ's live demo at the booth: