Custom-Feature: "OUCH!" Spiki by ALYMPU
Custom-Spiki images have been folly but surely been flooding the www recently, for a "Spiki Attack NY" show organized by Martian Toys, happening in October. And while I currently have zero details about the event, this particular custom by ALYMPU (Instagram / Facebook) is worth taking a closer look at!
Alin's brand of battle-weathered grime is not exactly a "new" approach to customization, but his innate passion for 1/6th and aesthetic style helps pushes him slightly above the current crowd of practitioners (appealing to my visual senses), and I have no doubt given further opportunities and circumstances, his style will evolve further, and I would be looking forward to that, IMHO.
"This custom called OUCH! this spiki is soo bad spiki, He supposse not to play with that thing because it can hurt him..baad spiki!!"