O.G.R.E.S Mini Figures from Credenda Studios
Currently available to purchase on credendastudios.bigcartel.com are their "O.G.R.E.S MINI FIGURES" (Which stands for "Obnoxious. Ghouls. Ruining. Everything.") - with the first three figures released being Leroy, Gunther, and Hugo - yes, there'll be MORE of them to come! A schweet compendium to your O.M.F.G. figures and of it's genre, methinks!
Each 2” tall O.G.R.E runs US$10 each, and "…you can also buy three mini figures and obtain the entire first run guaranteed." mentioned Beau Greener of Credenda Studios, who also added; "Each mini figure clocks in at and comes sealed in a clear bag with a signed and numbered header card. This first run is cast in a transparent purple resin with garnet glitter mixed throughout it. Some mini figures will even have streaks of white through them making each O.G.R.E. unique! To sweeten the deal even more, the first 6 orders will receive a custom drawing of an O.G.R.E. So act fast!"