MAME MOYASHI for #STGCC2016 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Con
The chef is currently whipping up a serving of awesomeness, ready to roll out at Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Con / STGCC2016 (Sept 10-11, 2016) via the MAME MOYASHI booth at Artist Alley AA51! Shown here are the first editions of Maduro, and peeked at the far top-left end might well be the Ozzo Collection exclusive “Kinmedai MAGURO senpai”!
Mike from Ozzo will be helming the Mame Moyashi Booth, where the exclusive are made available, while “someone” from will be in attendance! Can you guess “who”? :)
No doubt we’ll be seeing the entire “seafood platter” on show, including “MASTER THE GIANT CLAWS”! Also keep your keen eye out for new goodies, including hand-painted versions from BlackSeed, and what’s this GID image about?