Interesting Collectibles Seen at #DesignerCon 2016 (Part One)
“Interesting” Collectibles Seen at Designer Con 2016 (Day One, Nov 19th) - NOT that I am there personally (#iWish), but perused on the wondrous internets function known as “INSTAGRAM” (and of course “hashtags” - the world is run by “#” now, IMO), and yes, that might make me a “sad boy”, but nevertheless it thrills me still to be able to see something on the other side of the planet, on a land I’ve never stepped foot on, SO THERE!
(Item name & location captioned in IG’d pics, fhanks)
*DISCLAIMER#1: Of course there might be TONS more product out there, but I’m only going going on “hashtags” here, so a HEADSUP on your product would be appreciated, fhanks!
*DISCLAIMER#2: Folks interested to snag anything featured here, can click on the originators (linked in IG) to find out direct on availability of items - and Good Luck with your toy-hunt!