KaNO Does VINCENT Mascot for DesignerCon 2017
"Announcement time! I'll be designing all the badges for this years @designercon in Pasadena (9 in total). If you've been to this event before you know how dope it is, tickets are on sale now. Here's a sneak peak of the VIP pin I am designing for it. This is my take on their mascot Vincent." - shared KaNO (on Instagram)
@designercon gives us a delightful headsup about KaNO creating a character drawing of their mascot “Vincent”, for use as “VIP pin” in this year’s DESIGNER CON (Event Tagged #onTOYSREVIL).
“Vincent” the “8 year veteran Dcon Vendor/ Art Hustler” was created and illustrated by Scott Tolleson all the while (he’s still on the banner this year tho! :p), with interpretations like 2016’s - all of which would make a uber swell sticker sheet! Sure there’ll be pins (EVERYONE has pins these days, well except TOYSREVIL, alas :p), but I’m a sucker for stickers still, so… :p
Not sure WHAT the heck is “DesignerCon”? Check out the following “sizzle reel” (based on 2016 footage) and head on to www.designercon.com to score entrance tickets!