PLASTIC WARS: MECHAVERITA (The Beast Brothers x Ghetto Plastic Toys) Now On Kickstarter!
“Mechaverita” is the Plastic Wars subject zero; an awesome art toy collaboration brought to toylife by The Beast Brothers and Ghetto Plastic Toys! We’ve had a chance to see the prototype at the recent Singapore Toy Games & Comic Con, and was again on show at the recently concluded Designer Con 2017 (Nov 11-12), which launched THIS Kickstarter campaign to help make this fantastic piece a TOY REALITY!
“Plastic Wars” is the brainchild of Spanish toy-creator Hugo AKA “Ghettoplastic Toys” (Instagram @ghetto_plastic /, whereby he collaborates with different toy artists around the world, in creating “robots and machines” but not necessarily confined to be so…
"Every Plastic Wars collaboration (Volume) will have a context adapted to the story, origin or universe the guest Toy (or its creator) comes from, whose personality will be assimilated by Ghetto Plastic Toys to create the new Plastic Wars release, which won't necessarily be a robot."
“VOL 00//MECHAVERITA” is the project’s first collaborative result, incorporating The Beast Brother’s “Calaverita“ skull, which in this particular design project, “operates” a mecha-skeletonal walker! And you folks should know by now my particular LOVE for “mecha”, and since seeing this at STGCC - and not having the opportunity to track down more info for - my desire for this is thick with toy-lust! The magnificence of anime design (and also reminding me of Machine56's helmet which I've adored since seeing it in 2009) infused in this build, really brightens up my attention!
Here are some (digitally rendered) “painted” versions to gawk at (*wipes droll from myself*):
The Calaverita is around 9cm tall, while the Mech is around 27cm tall (including antenna). Estimated delivery will be late April 2018 for Calaverita and late June 2018 for full set.
A Pledge goal of €4,000 this project has since been surpassed, with the Kickstarter ending December 11th! Check out the page for “One-Off Customs” from Sadgas, Godhay, Fluke, Hx Studio, Javier Jimenez, Cristina Ravenna, Fer.Mg.Studio, Toy Terror and Mark Nagata!