INSTINCTOY’s Rule Revisions for KING KORPSE Auction Sale @ Tokyo Comic Con 2017 (Day 3)

UPDATED: The auction sale of the KING KORPSE customized figure art project has since ended, and INSTINCTOY has shared that all 11 x customs have been snatched up, with a total bid price of 4,832,000JPY! The highest bid of each artist painted artworks are as follows:

KENNYSWORK: 355,000円
Pucky: 269,000円
Marvix: 215,000円
Kenth Toy Works: 300,000円
P@inter Net: 567,000円
Remjie Malham: 600,000円
Jon-Paul Kaiser: 280,000円
Candie Bolton: 389,000円
INSTINCTOY: 360,000円
Black Seed: 1,100,000
Josh Mayhem: 407,000円

Congratulations all around, folks!


(Above pic by Eldred Tjie)

With the "queue discipline" issue on Day One, INSTINCTOY has since amended the rules for their “KING KORPSE AUCTION SALE” (*View Customs previously featured HERE!), which happens on Sunday December 3rd, the last day of Tokyo Comic Con 2017. If you’ve not read Hiroto’s announcement online, here it is in full:
INSTINCTOY ANNOUNCEMENT: "Due to the challenges faced on the first day of Tokyo Comic Con, we are making changes to the auction sale scheduled for the final day, Sun, 12/3. The event was originally planned as a public auction beginning at 3pm. With respect to the TCC organizers and neighboring booths, as well as the safety of our customers, the following rule revisions will be made to prevent over-crowding.

We will continue to accept bids until 12:00 NOON sharp, on Sun, 12/3. The highest bid received by 12:00 NOON will be displayed.

From 12:00 NOON – 3:30PM, we will accept bids in the form of “SILENT AUCTION.” Bids received during this time WILL NOT be made public.

For those who wish to participate in the auction, please enter your bid by 3:30PM, along with the required refundable deposit of 5,000yen.

The highest bid received by 3:30PM will be the winner.

Due to the last-minute changes, we have pushed back the auction from the originally planned time of 3:00PM.

As soon as the highest bid is determined, we will update the final price in the KING KORPSE showcase and will contact the winner.”

【東京コミコンKING KORPSEオークション販売一部ルール変更についてのお知らせ】 東京コミコンにて、12月3日の最終日に締切を迎えますオークション販売ですが、初日の大混雑を受け、当日予定しておりました15時からの公開オークションは参加者を含む見学者により近隣ブース様にご迷惑が掛かる可能性があると判断し、ルールを変更させて頂きます。 変更させて頂く新しい締切時刻までのルールは以下となります。 現在、入札を随時受付中ですが12月3日正午12時迄に頂いた入札価格を最終表示価格とし、残りの最終締切時刻迄は入札価格を最後まで非公開とする『サイレント・オークション』方式に変更させて頂きます。 オークションへご参加のお客様は正午に発表の入札表示価格をご参考に、締切時刻迄に最高入札価格をご入札下さい。(※入札にはデポジットとして5,000円のお支払い金が必要です。) 締切時刻の時点で最高額をご入札頂いたお客様が落札者となります。尚、ルール変更の都合により、最終締切時刻を15時30迄に変更とさせてさせて頂きます。最終締切時刻を過ぎましたら、展示ケースにて各作品毎に表示価格を最終落札額に変更させて頂き、落札者様に当選のご連絡させて頂きます。 皆様のご理解とご協力を宜しくお願い致します。 【東京Tokyo Comic Con KING KORPSE拍賣會一部份的規則變更】 在東京TCC展, 最後一天12月3日拍賣會即將截止. 由於第一天的騷動, 我們考慮到拍賣會開始時刻下午15點會聚集競拍者及圍觀者, 而又再次導致鄰近的展位困擾, 所以這邊將變更規則. 請確認以下變更的規則及截至時刻. 現在我們都接受競標, 在12月3日正中午12點時會公布各個競拍價格, 但到截止時候前都不會在更新價格, 以『靜音拍賣』的方式進行. 欲參加拍賣的客戶在正中午時候, 請參考屆時的競標價格, 在截止前, 請競拍者以他最高的範圍競拍. (下標時需要支付5,000日圓) 截止時刻一到, 最高的出價者將會贏的拍賣品. 由於更改了規則, 截止時刻也更改至15點30分止. 截止時刻一到, 我們會再次標示出各個最終的得標價. 然後聯絡得標者. 我們希望能得到客戶的明白及協助. 謝謝. RULE REVISIONS TO THE TOKYO COMIC CON KING KORPSE AUCTION SALE Due to the challenges faced on the first day of Tokyo Comic Con, we are making changes to the auction sale scheduled for the final day, Sun, 12/3. The event was originally planned as a public auction beginning at 3pm. With respect to the TCC organizers and neighboring booths, as well as the safety of our customers, the following rule revisions will be made to prevent over-crowding. We will continue to accept bids until 12:00 NOON sharp, on Sun, 12/3. The highest bid received by 12:00 NOON will be displayed. From 12:00 NOON – 3:30PM, we will accept bids in the form of “SILENT AUCTION.” Bids received during this time WILL NOT be made public. For those who wish to participate in the auction, please enter your bid by 3:30PM, along with the required refundable deposit of 5,000yen. The highest bid received by 3:30PM will be the winner. Due to the last-minute changes, we have pushed back the auction from the originally planned time of 3:00PM. As soon as the highest bid is determined, we will update the final price in the KING KORPSE showcase and will contact the winner. #東京コミコン #オークション特別企画 #INSTINCTOY #KINGKORPSE #JAMESGROMAN #KENNYWONG #PUCKEY #MARVIX #KENTHTOYWORK

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ANOTHER LOOK @ SELECT CUSTOMS (Thanks for sharing online, folks!):

Some alternative views of my King Korpse custom (and Skeletal Lady) which will be at the Instinctoy booth to view this weekend at Tokyo Comic Con. There's a collection of customs from 10+ International artists which will be auctioned at the event. More details here;- この週末を東京コミックコンクールで見るためにInstinctoyブースに出席する私のKorpse習慣(およびスケルトンレディ)のいくつかの別の見解。イベントでオークションに出る10以上の国際アーティストの習慣があります。 #jpk #handpainted #jonpaulkaiser #sofubi #sofvi #tokyocomiccon #instinctoy #jamesgroman #kingkorpse #art #arttoy @jamesgroman

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My custom Blown Away King Korpse will be auctioned this weekend at Tokyo Comic Con along with many other beautiful customs. Here's the info for the show: 東京コミコンにて開催を予定しております”KING KORPSE”カスタム塗装オークション企画について、出品作品及び販売方法をまとめた記事をBlogに更新致しました。是非ともご覧ください。→ For the "KING KORPSE" customized figure art project which is scheduled to be auctioned at Tokyo Comic Con, we updated the article which summarizes the exhibition work and the sales method to the blog. Please look up our blog. → 我們已經公開了新的網誌, 關於在東京Tokyo Comic Con中舉行的”KING KORPSE”客製塗裝作品拍賣企劃. 更多資訊請參閱網誌. → #東京コミコン #オークション特別企画 #INSTINCTOY #KINGKORPSE #JAMESGROMAN #KENNYWONG #PUCKEY #MARVIX #KENTHTOYWORKS #PAINTERNET #REMJIEMALHAM #JONPAULKAISER #CANDIEBOLTON #BALCKSEED #JOSHMAYHEM #インスティンクトイ

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