One-Off Customs from Marvel Okinawa + Blackbook Toy for Toy Soul 2018 (Dec 14-16)
Blackbook Toy has been pretty steadfast in their convention appearances in 2018, bustinn' their a$$ bringing folks dope toys from Japan, and as productive in their promotions (at the very least appreciated by this humble blog), and they are wrapping up 2018 with their last stop at the coming weekend Toy Soul 2018 (Dec 14-16) - offering up the following goodness via Booth I03 (sharing with Yamakichiya).
ALSO, besides Toy Soul, they'll be offering up online lottery sales too - Check out THIS Facebook post!
"We have prepared tons of one offs by none other than us, BBT and the one&only Marvel Okinawa. Your favorite rapper series by BBT and Lumberjack series by Marvel Okinawa are our recommendations. As for Lumberjack EVIL MC, this would be the very last EVIL MC!! No more new production run (already discountinued long time) and one offs." - shared @nigo_bbt of BBT.