JIANGSHI PIGGUMS One-Offs from BlackBook Toy (Lottery April 25-26)
To coincide with the release of Evil MC Piggums, BlackBook Toy send toy-word that they'll also be dropping these "JIANGSHI PIGGUMS" one-off custom-paints by @melowang_bbt! "Not only casted in different colors, some details like eyes, where some motives are painted are different. Here come horror and cute Piggums!" shared BBT!
L-R: BL GID (33,000yen), Rainbow Glitter (34,000yen), RED (33,000yen), BL GID (33,000yen) As for BL GID, you can’t choose which.
Available via LOTTERY, with entries/applications accepted from April 25th through 26th(JP) -Deets here.