With the ending of the second edition of Pop Toy Show Singapore the past weekend, here is a look-back at TOYSREVIL's coverage of the show, on both my blog (pre and subsequently post-event features) and Instagram-based coverage for the duration of the show days, cheers.

ALL Pop Toy Show Singapore 2024 on the blog
#poptoyshowsingapore2024 on TOYSREVIL-IG
#poptoyshowsingapore on TOYSREVIL-IG
On-site coverage on TOYSREVIL-Insta

This year I attended #PopToyShowSingapore2024 not officially as “Media”, a situation I constantly forget (as I automatically kick into “Blogger-Mode” even when I didnt intend to LOL) when I ask of toy-designers to do specific things, like holding toys-in-hands for photos, with folks unfamiliar with me nor "TOYSREVIL" staring at the tag on my chest, trying to understand WHO this "pot-bellied white-bearded chinese guy" actually was!
And for that: my sincere Apologies for any confusion or discomfort, everyone!
And Bless You All for being generous with your time and attention, and for being accommodating! :)

Permit me to reintroduce myself: My name is Andy, and I run the TOYSREVIL-blog - Pleased to meet you! :)

That said, I was enjoying myself more with connecting with artists and friends both new and old (Much love to everyone), in Artist Eden, although unfortunately I was unable to cover or even meet everyone, with the sole day I spent in PTS... which also meant I did not get to complete my toy wish-list!

Check out what I did manage to purchase, and was gifted with on Instagram: My Toy Score on TOYSREVIL-Insta, including awesome folks who came out of the halls instead! Much love for the support!

A number of events coming our way soon, as we head into the final quarter of 2024...! See y'all on the blog, folks!

Have a wonderful Toy Day ahead!
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