INGLEPARK - Comicbook Volume 1 + Chicago Action Figure by Hidden Works
Comic book author Chakib Hazaimia shares with TOYSREVIL news of the action figure of the main protagonist (Chicago) of his next comic book “INGLEPARK”, being made in collaboration with Chinese toy designer Hidden Foo (Behance / / Instagram @hidden_foo). And while the release of the toy itself (seen in promo video above and here on Facebook) is still pending, the comicbook can be procured somewhen soon on
ABOUT THE TOY: "Based in Beijing, China, toy designer Hidden Foo gives life to Chicago, by creating an exclusive collectible action figure of the main character of INGLEPARK. With a size of 12", the figure is dressed in tailored clothes, handmade by the artist. In addition to an INGLEPARK baseball jersey, a camouflage cargo pants, the figure wears a San Francisco Giants cap, and a pair of Reebok Pump Omni Lite, true to the character's outfit in the Volume 1 of INGLEPARK.
Conducted in close collaboration with CHAK, the author of INGLEPARK, a very limited production serie is considered. INGLEPARK - Volume 1 will be available soon."
STORY: "Los Angeles, early '90s … In the district of INGLEPARK, the Outlawz are the law, Chicago is their leader. One night, stopped at a red light in the dark and dangerous streets of INGLEPARK, Chicago is shot in a failed carjacking attempt... At his funeral, a gunfight broke out between the Outlawz and thugs driving by, probably of the same crew as the killer. A few weeks later, it's pouring down raining over the city, the thunder rumbles and the earth shakes above the tomb of Chicago... ...he's back from the dead ! And he is determined to seek revenge and to put to an end any shadow of a doubt to his murder !"