treeson toy
HongKong illustrator/cartoonist Bubi Au Yeung has realized her comic Treeson and Ren into a 5-inch tall vinyl toy. [via toiprotocol]
< read more about Treeson @wookieweb and see more of Treeson and the making-of the toy @flickr.
lurving the evolution of comic-to-toy (and looking very much like an albino-durian, IMHO :p) - giving it a reasonable amount of "depth" dunnit? (as opposed to a manufactured-history), Treeson seems a fine addition to the vinyl-world ... *welcome* :)
< read more about Treeson @wookieweb and see more of Treeson and the making-of the toy @flickr.
lurving the evolution of comic-to-toy (and looking very much like an albino-durian, IMHO :p) - giving it a reasonable amount of "depth" dunnit? (as opposed to a manufactured-history), Treeson seems a fine addition to the vinyl-world ... *welcome* :)