
Showing posts from December 4, 2011

Munny World Festival Indonesia 2011 @ Plastic Culture 9 - 11 December 2011

Event Images from the Codename: Babushka Opening at Kidrobot London (Dec 1 launch)

Galaxxor 008 To Drop Dec 8

ā€œIF YOU BLINK, YOUā€™LL MISS ITā€ by Quim Tarrida @ Toy Art Gallery (Dec 9 opening)

LOVE PROJECT with Danke Shoen

Heathrow the Holiday Hedgehog by Frank Kozik x MAQET

Christmas with Amanda Visell x Michele Valigura

Calavera Dunny by Jesse Hernandez x Kidrobot

Stellina, Donutella & Kaiju: New Plush from Tokidoki

Unboxing Crappy Cat - Day Thirteen

Mazinger Z by Edward Pun for My Fave Anime Contest

The Boy Who Became a Monster by Darbotz @ Vivi Yip Art Room, Jakarta (Dec 4 launch)

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