
Showing posts from August 14, 2013

Bootleg Resin Luchador: MIXTAPE release from Scraped Resin

Finalists for "Best Customizer" in the 2013 Designer Toy Awards Areā€¦

The Sketches of Guillermo del Toro

"Lost" Jack Kirby Sketches For ā€œArgoā€

Resin and Apparel Releases from The Mark Ultra

Luke Chueh's ā€œRandom Acts of Sadnessā€

Baxter and Calliope Resin Figures Set from Tomenosuke

Jaguar Knight GID FUEGO RED Toy Art Gallery Exclusive Release + Jesse Hernandez Signing (Aug 24)

Jeremiah Ketner's "Ideal World" artwork online via myplasticheart

Jason Limon's "The Bone Banquet" online via Rotofugi

Customs & Minus Mouse by B.A.L.D.

Custom-Feature: Marvel Micro Munnys by Rocketboy

Custom-Feature: Wakey Wakey Owl and Lava Celsius by Adam Greeley

Horror Movie Mystery Mini from Funko

New inc by INSTINCTOY for STGCC 2013

Available @ STGCC 2013: Project Red Book 2 by Shawn Siow

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