Finalists for "Best Customizer" in the 2013 Designer Toy Awards Are…
64 Colors
Charles Rodriguez
Huck Gee
Jan Calleja
Jon-Paul Kaiser

This "scene" / community we all choose to dwell in, consists primary of two distinct notions: Production Toys, and Custom Toys. And while PT might encompasses both mass and indie produced products, CT practitioners do not see the difference, and works on both products.
I remember the days if yore when designing toys made into production pieces made the creator/designer a SUPERSTAR… now, a TOY CUSTOMIZER walks the same stage of stardom now, in a spotlight solely dedicated to their craft, and vision. All thanks to the paradgrim shift of DIY toys, and of the community to be able to embrace the notion of defacing someone else's designs hahahaha
Out if the nine listed finalists, more than half have also crossed over to the PT-border, but still practices their craft in the DIY-realms. And more than half changes the form of their products, while less than half exercises their paintery skills instead.
This particular category is closed to public voting, and will be up to a closed panel of judges to choose the sole winner. This list is a tight fight with quite a few personal favorites, but I would cast my vote for either/both Charles Rodriguez and 64 Colors - for Charles's deceptively simple by nigh effective character designs and crisp lines, and 64Colors' continued paintry skills and visual story-telling in their 3D-canvas.
(DTA 2013 Finalists announced HERE
All listings via Designer Toy Awards Facebook)