
Showing posts from February 4, 2015

Custom-Feature: "Better Days" by Nerviswr3k for #WhenHellFreezesOver2

Custom-Feature: "Bartok's Balloon Garden" by Tasha Zimich for #WhenHellFreezesOver2

UGLYDOLL x Ultraman, Thunderbirds, Ninjas & Samurai!

So A Cookie Monster, a Hoops Fanatic & a Chrome Android walked into a bar ā€¦ More Reveals for Android Series 5!

2nd Trailer for MINIONS

Toy-Review: #AttackOnTitan Bootleg PVC Titan

Teaser for "Love is Blind(bags)" ALAVAKA

Mighty Jaxx 2015 Membership

Weishaupt (2015 Edition) by Scott Tolleson To Drop Feb 5th

Custom-Feature: Donatello - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Zukie by UME Toys

Custom-Feature: Lugh vs Balor - a Celtic Battle on an 8" Dunny from JonPaul Kaiser

GID Gorilla Biscuits from Super7 for Feb 13 Drop

Meow You Be Mine? Valentine's Day Kaiju Negora from Max Toy Co

Attack On Titan Pop! Vinyls from Funko (for General Release!!!)

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